Good morning everybody! It's a beautiful day to talk about a very tasty recipe again. One of my favorite snacks is definitely homemade raw balls. If you are looking for something that is easy to make, does not need any baking and is a healthy alternative to snacking at the same time, then keep on reading! Besides, (which is perhaps the best thing about it), you can adjust it exactly to your own taste or mood. This time I was definitely in the mood for something that goes well with the season, so I decided to use cinnamon! :) 

Ingredients for approximately 8 small raw balls:

-  200 ml of oats
- 8 dates
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of tahini *
- 1 teaspoon of raw cacao powder
- 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon **
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder
- a little bit of salt

* I usually use peanut butter instead of tahini, but I figured the combination of cinnamon and tahini would be a bit tastier... You can of course also try recipes with almond butter, cashew paste or even Nutella! ** I also usually use coconut flakes instead of cinnamon. This is especially great during the summer months, but since it's fall I was just really in the mood for cinnamon instead!

Now all that's left is basically to just mix all the ingredients together. I always use my blender and start with blending the oats. Then I basically just follow the list as it is written above. Again, you can adjust this recipe exactly to your own wishes, which makes it so great! Once you've mixed it all together, you literally just take a small part of the mixture and squeeze it together, rolling it into small raw balls. Once you've done this, all you have to do is put them in the fridge for 20 minutes and then they're all ready to be enjoyed!! Simple as that :) 

I hope you got some inspiration out of this recipe and let me know if you have some great raw-snack recipes, too! Have a lovely day and happy snacking!

LOVE, Michelle