Happy Friday everyone! I have a slight feeling that there's a new addiction making its way into my life. The other day something very unfortunate happened: I ran out of coffee... Since I didn't have time to go to the supermarket and buy some new coffee, I simply needed to improvise. I then remembered that I bought some matcha powder about a week ago, which I was very eager to try out. So, this little coffee disaster eventually gave me a great excuse to make my first ever matcha latte! I had tried it several times in cafes and absolutely loved it. However, I've heard plenty of times that the homemade ones were not that tasty at all, which made me feel a bit skeptical about it. But, if you never try, you never know, right?! So. I tried. And now I know.


1 teaspoon of matcha powder*
1 tablespoon of agave syrup
1 tablespoon of hot water
1/2 cup of coconut milk
1/2 cup of oat milk

Of course, you can just use the ingredients of your own choice. You can, for example, use a different kind of syrup or honey and change the oat milk for another type of dairy-free milk like almond or rice milk!
* The recommended daily intake of matcha powder is 1/2 - 2 teaspoons.

Besides it being very tasty, matcha has a lot of great health benefits, which makes it even better! Matcha is for example packed with antioxidants, our body's defense agents that prevent aging and chronic diseases. It also boosts metabolism and burns calories (bonus points!). Besides that, it also detoxifies the body in a natural and effective way, it makes the mind calm and the body relaxed, and it enhances mood and helps the mind concentrate (very useful around exam periods!). It also contains fibers and important vitamins, and it lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. So, I would say: rush to the nearest supermarket and go get a little can of matcha powder, some oat milk, coconut milk, and syrup, and try to make one! It's such a healthy alternative to coffee and it just tastes so damn good...

Have you ever tried to make a matcha latte yourself? Let me know in the comments! I hope this post has provided you with some nice information about matcha lattes and that it has inspired you to try it yourself one day! Have a lovely Friday/weekend

LOVE, Michelle