It's that time of the year again. The time of the year where we begin to feel excited for the holidays, whether it's Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, there is just so much joy to look forward to. But, there's always a but. Exams and deadlines are also lurking around the corner, which means that we need to get our nose back in those books (or nowadays: pdf documents) again and start filling those empty Word documents with loads and loads of words. But how can we stay focused? Here are 8 simple steps to help you stay focused while you're studying or working from home:

1. Clean your room
This one is very important! Make sure that your room or surroundings are neat and clean. Don't even try to study while your room is a big mess. Of course, you won't be able to focus. Your mind needs to be at ease, and the easiest way to do so is to to get rid of the mess in your room.

2. Declutter your desk
Get away of all the clutter on your desk and make sure you only have the necessary things on it. Just as I mentioned in the first step, it is important for your mind to have clean surroundings in order to stay focused and not get distracted by things that are just laying around.

3. Hygge
Coziness. This is definitely my number one priority. When it comes to everything in life, actually. After I've decluttered my desk, I do make sure to add a few small things to it: candles. They might not be necessary, but they do create coziness and coziness is one of the things that actually really helps me to focus on my work. Light some candles, turn on some decorative lights, light up some incense, you name it. Make yourself comfortable.

4. Wear comfy clothes
This brings us to step 4. Perhaps even the main reason why I prefer to study at home. There's no need to dress up or put on some skinny jeans. Just wear your pyjamas, a onesie, a pair of leggings, basically whatever makes you feel comfortable so you can relax and be focused without feeling tense or uncomfortable in your clothes.

5. Put on a playlist that helps you focus
This one right here, this is a real game changer! Everyone, of course, has their own preferences when it comes to music. I personally like to listen to classical music while studying. You can have a look at my "focus playlist" right HERE, and maybe you can listen to it yourself one day. Otherwise, there are plenty of playlists on Spotify that are focused on being focused ;)

6. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea
Sometimes it's really just those little things that give you that extra motivational kick. I love my coffee with oat milk, but I love it even more when I drink it out of a super cute mug. I don't know why, but it's just one of those little things, and it makes me enjoy my coffee even more. Try to find that little thing that you enjoy and maybe spice it up a bit!

7. Set a timer/reward yourself
"I can not get something to eat/snack on until I have finished reading 20 pages" or for every hour that you study, allow yourself to watch one episode of Friends or anything else for that matter. Find a way to stay motivated. For me, it really works to set up a task (write 3 pages) and reward myself with a small break once it's been done. But only when it's been done! That way you will push yourself to stay focused and work towards your goals.

8. Go to a library
If you're really having trouble with staying focused at home, it might be a good idea to try what it's like to study or work in a library. I personally really prefer to study or work from home, but I know plenty of people who feel the opposite way. Just try and see what works best for you :)

PS: I do actually often study in my bed. I don't know why, but being as comfortable as possible just really works for me. Then, after some time I will move to my desk, my sofa, or sometimes I even just sit on the floor. Just to switch it up a bit from time to time, haha.

I am literally ending every post in the exact same way, but I really do hope that, again, these little tips will be of help to some of you! I just really want to inspire people by talking about the little things that can make life easier if only we appreciate them a bit more. Please let me know if you have any great tips that you want to share!

LOVE, Michelle