Hello everybody! It's been a bit quiet on here lately, which is due to my examinations that have been going on in the last few days/weeks. And there are still a few deadlines left, but I'm sure I can soon provide you guys with more inspiring content again 

Now, for today's post I would like to talk about the Law of Attraction. For those of you who are not familiar with the term, the Law of Attraction is basically a philosophy that believes in the ability to attract into our lives whatever it is we focus on. It is a concept which I've always strongly believed in and I've actually seen it work so many times. For example, about a month ago, I had an interview for an internship. The position was perfect and I couldn't imagine any opportunity that would be better at this point in my life. So, after my interview I went home and I've put my focus on nothing else but the internship until I heard back from them. I even tried to meditate as often as possible in order to really send my energy towards it. Two nerve-recking weeks passed by until I got a response, and guess what? I got it! And I strongly believe that the Law of Attraction had something to do with it.

The Law of Attraction can work in many different ways, but it is mainly focused on positive thoughts, meaning that whenever you have positive thoughts, you will attract positivity into your life. This can be related to many things, like events, people, jobs, etc. The same goes for negative thoughts. If you wake up in the morning with a negative mindset, you will soon realise that a lot goes wrong that day, from dropping your food on your clothes, to hurting your pinky toe on the table, to missing your train, etc. You know, "one of those days...". The Law of Attraction wants us to be open-minded towards any opportunity that comes into our lives, and to welcome them with open arms. It is all about being positive, and open towards these opportunities in order to change your life. And this is something your can do right now, right this second. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment, because the perfect moment might never come. You have to trust the timing of your life and you shouldn't let your fears stop you from living the life you really want. We all have our failures from time to time, but without them, we would never get anywhere. 


 Well, first of all it is important that you are very clear on what it is exactly what you want to attract into your life. In order to figure this out, make sure to get an understanding of what is going on in your mind, whether you do this through meditation, sports, writing, or basically anything that can help you stand still for a second and analyse your thoughts and desires inside your mind. Try to be mindful of the moments that make you feel happy and find a way to create such moments more often. Basically, try to do more of what makes you happy and what makes you feel good, and you are already using the Law of Attraction.   

 Secondly, you have stop thinking about the things that you are afraid of and start thinking about the things that you would be excited for. Write down what is that you want to achieve and how you plan on achieving it. By writing it down you will make it feel more real, more like a goal. It will also help you remember what it is you intend to achieve in case you'd loose track at some point. 

 Finally, you will have to let go of your attachment to it. Once you've written your goal or your desire down, you will have to trust the universe to take care of it. And this is the most important part. If you don't trust in the energy of the universe, it will never work. You will have to believe that you can actually get the thing you want and you have to trust in the power of the universe in order for it to be attracted to you. 

All I can do now is hope that you guys will experience this concept just like I do, since it is a wonderful way of feeling more in control of your life! Because we are in control. We just don't realise this often enough ;)

Now go and make your dreams come true!! 

LOVE, Michelle