Hi guys! First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you! I hope you've all had a great New Year's Eve and that you've started the new year full of love and joy! Secondly, it's been almost an entire month since the last time I posted something on here, which all has to do with project deadlines, exams, extra hours at work, Christmas visits at my home and then me visiting my family in the Netherlands... So, I've been quite the busy bee the last few weeks! Don't get me wrong, the holidays have been a blast, but it's all been very hectic. Anyway, what's most important is that I now have time for myself again, meaning that I can finally continue to read my books and get some nice inspiration for blog posts again! And in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to do a little New Year's "resolutions" post.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the New Year's resolution thing, because I think the whole "new year, new me" thing is a bit overrated. Everyone has the same resolutions each year, but most of the people never really do anything about them. Now, I do believe in goal setting, writing down concrete goals for yourself that you want to achieve this year. Let's call it a bucket list for 2019. Here's mine!

- Finish reading twelve books, one for each month
- Workout at least once a week, but preferably twice
- Invest more time in yoga and meditation
- Eat less dairy and more vegan products
- Upload at least one blog post per week
- Create a better and more unique Instagram content
- Increase followers and traffic on both Instagram and my blog
- Successfully complete an internship
- Improve writing skills
- Learn how to work with Google Analytics and SEO
- Learn how to use a daily planner
- Watch more documentaries instead of movies or series
- Visit friends that are living abroad 
- Visit at least two countries I haven't been before
- Pet as many dogs as possible

I think this pretty much sums up the things I'm most looking forward to in the new year! I'm sure there will be popping up lots more in my mind as soon as I upload this post, but let's go with it the way it is now, haha. I hope you enjoyed this little post and I will be back soon with new content! I wish you all a happy start of the year and may all your dreams and wishes come true

LOVE, Michelle