Good morning guys! It's Monday again, which means that it's time for some motivation for the new week ahead of us! This post is all about how we can turn our lives around by simply trying things out.  It's something I talk about a lot lately, because I'm going through a similar phase right now. 

During the last couple of years I've been pulled in so many different directions by my own interests and emotions, leaving me at a crossroad. And not just a crossroad with four different directions. A crossroad with 40 different directions. I'm a master in fantasizing about my future and creating all kinds of different scenarios in my head. The result: I never get anything done.

Not knowing what I wanted to do in life has left me very confused and unmotivated ever since I finished my two gap years as an au pair. It's not easy to have all these different kinds of interests. One day I would be imagining myself working with marketing, the next day with graphic design, then as a writer, an animal rescuer, photographer, owning a cute little coffee shop with healthy stuff, and so on...

The same goes with where I want to live after my studies. I can literally picture myself doing anything, in places all around the world. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just very time consuming not to know what you want to do.

I decided to dedicate 2019 to trying out new things. Which is the whole reason why I'm writing this post. I've started my internship three weeks ago, and so far, those three weeks have been the best weeks in a loooong time! I absolutely love everything about it, I've already learned more in those three weeks than I've done in an entire year of my master programme, and I'm being challenged in ways that bring out the best in me and my personal strengts. It's really a time of growth. And that's something I've been longing for for all those years I'd been sitting around contemplating about life. 

Most importantly, there is one important message I want to share with you. Because, in the end: 

"being indecisive actually takes up more time than actually trying something and going back and change it to something else if that something goes wrong." 

Life is meant to be an adventure. We are meant to try different things and learn from our mistakes. In order to find out what it is you would like to do in the future, you have to experience it, and let that experience teach you whatever it is you are meant to learn.

So, instead of sitting around contemplating about life, your goals, and desires, make a plan. Grab a piece of paper and start writing down a list with whatever it is you think you would like to experience. If you are unsure about what you want to do, take a look at your list and decide for yourself which things you would like to try out and go for it! You have nothing to loose. 

Even the experiences in life that teach us that they're not meant for us, they still teach us something. It not only makes you narrow down your wishes and desires, it also is a lot of fun. Because each and every experience will teach you something in its own unique way, which consequently helps you get closer to discovering who you truly are and what you want to do with your life. 

So... Whatever you desire, give it a shot!!

Love, Michelle