Hi there! This week I'm going to talk with you guys about something I remind myself of on quite the regular basis. It's the quote: "your vibe attracts your tribe", which literally means that your thoughts and your actions that you send to the universe will attract people into your life with similar vibes.

What I love most about this quote is the way in which I've noticed it actually bring people into my life that just seemed to come at the perfect time. Whenever I developed an interest in something very specific, I would somehow meet somebody with that exact same interest!

Do you ever think about those people that came into your life, and at some point completely disappeared? We used to have so much in common at first, and from one day to another that common interest was just gone.

It's funny, isn't it, if you think about it? We grow through life, and as we outgrow certain people, new people come into our lives - some of which are here to stay. They don't only help us discover new sides of ourselves, but they also teach us valuable life lessons - in whichever way.

As lovely as it all may sound, there's always a but. This quote is so easily misunderstood. A lot of people try to attract their tribe by pretending to be someone they are not. This probably happens subconsciously, but it does. The key to finding "your tribe" is to simply be yourself. In every aspect.

Personally - being the queen of forgetting things - I find myself forgetting about this a lot. I see someone who inspires me on Instagram or Pinterest, and within a few hours I am a new person. And there is no way in hell, that this is alright.

Yes, you can get inspired by other people. But never ever change yourself, just because you think that this will attract people into your life who supposedly are "your tribe". Well, newsflash: they are not!

The bottom line is:
If you pretend to be someone you're not, you're going to attract people into your life that have nothing in common with the real you.

I've always told myself to have positive thoughts, because if you have negative thoughts, you will attract negative people into your life. Of course, I definitely still stand by this, but there's a thin line between trying to be the best version of yourself and pretending to be someone you're not.

Now there's another aspect to this, too. This quote also works the other way around: "your tribe attracts your vibe". In other words, if you surround yourself with negative people, you will have a negative mind yourself.

In order to know which people to let into your life, trust your own judgement. The only way to do so, however, is to be yourself. If people don't agree with the things you do or believe in, that's alright. It just means that they do not belong to your tribe. So, stay true to yourself and your tribe will follow!

LOVE, Michelle