Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I'm dedicating this post to introducing myself and this blog.  But first of all, I am so happy to see you here, and the fact that you're actually reading this makes me very, very happy!
My name is Michelle and I've been on this lovely planet for 25 years now. I'm a Dutchie, but currently living in a cozy little room in Copenhagen, where I'm following a master program in Communication & Business Studies.
I'm a bit of a health freak, which you will soon notice by the amount of foodporn I will be sharing with you! Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for nachos, chips and chocolate, though, so don't be fooled, haha.
Anyways, lately I've been reading a lot of interesting books that just make me want to share my thoughts and new knowledge with others. I won't be giving any spoilers in this post, so stay tuned! All I can say is that these books have one common goal: happiness.
PS. Not that it is of any importance right now, but I just feel the need to share with you that I love dogs. Like, I just can't introduce myself without sharing my love for dogs. So, here you go.

So, shortly, this blog will be all about food, my cozy little room, and happiness. I love writing and I would love to find a job within content creation after my studies, which is bascially why I have decided to start this blog. I'm super excited to start this journey and I really hope that I can inspire some readers out there. Please feel free to leave comments at any time if you have questions, tips, or if you just want to say hi :)

LOVE, Michelle